Description: Introductory music begins to play. Title page appears, myReader2 Basics, Scanning and Contrasts, Online Video Training Modules, Alberta Education. Narrator: At this point you can either scan the image digitally and it will be stored in one of the ten cells or the additional reference cells A, B and C or you may watch something in live mode. Going back to the controller pressing live the camera in live mode typically aims towards the front of the light scanning target area. In this case you will note it is zoomed in on my finger. Description: The narrator places his finger on the bottom tray and it appears on the top screen. Narrator: In this next example we’re just going to show you in live mode a small car taken from a magazine. In this example using live you can zoom in with the size, zoom out, you can also adjust the color contrast. This being the negative or white on black and we have black on white. Description: The narrator places a magazine with a picture of a car on it on the bottom baseß. Narrator: As I mentioned earlier you can adjust the color. In this example if you are someone with a visual impairment that has difficulty with certain contrasts you can find one that works for you. As you note you will lose some details when you switch the different colors as opposed to live mode but in this case you may be able to very easily read the name of the car. I should also note that there is an advanced menu where you can even change those colors to something that would more suit your visual impairment. For example if you see things better because you may have onochromotopsia you see things better with purple and black this can be changed in that menu. If you want to scan, place the page completely in the target area that you want. Because the spine of the book tends to lift the page off and I want everything flat when I scan I might use one of the screens, keeps things matte as a glossy book so that it will help the scanning as well as it will keep the spine down. Description: The narrator places a screen on top of the magazine to flatten it. Narrator: Pressing capture takes us back to the menu because we were in live mode and when we’re there we can select where we want to store this image. Right now we are on image 1. If I want to switch to a different storage cell I have several options. I can either use my track ball which as you see moves like a mouse the magnifying glass. When I hover over the number I want within a few seconds if takes me to storage cell 5. Another option you can use is the speed dial. In this case it will take you between the various cells much more quickly. The last option you can also use the track ball with the magnifier as the mouse to hover over the arrow key on the one side or the other and you’ll note that it moves the number at the bottom. However my favorite still, the speed dial. We’ll scan this in number 1. Press capture when you’re ready. It asks you to wait and there is our image. In the example of this biology textbook you’ll note with the thick spine that the pages curl so therefore when you try to scan it, it won’t be completely flat. As well these pages are slightly glossy. In this case I’m going to take one of the clear films to both flatten it as well as reduce the glare. Again it comes in bubble wrap to protect everything from scratches, place over top. In this case I’m actually going to have a finger in there. That doesn’t matter because it won’t impede on what I’m scanning. On the menu I’m pressing capture and it asks me to wait and there we have our scanned image. Description: End of video.