Description: Introductory music begins to play. As the title page appears displaying BrailleNote Basics, What's in the box? Online Video Training Modules, Alberta Education Narrator: welcome to the first module in a series of training modules on line to teach you how to use the BrailleNote notetaker. This product is intended for use by persons who are visually impaired and are learning or have learnt braille. It is a notetaker that is able to record documents, surf the Internet, do e-mail, be a day planner, and various other important functions that can be used in a school setting. The model today we are going to be working on will be a BT, the mPower series. There is also a qwerty model which we’ll show you as well. It will come in a box like this. Upon opening the box you'll note a long series of table of contents itemizing everything that's in it. We’re just going to show you what you will be receiving if you did receive one from the Learning Resources Center. Inside, the big white box will have the BrailleNote in it. We’ll look at that in a moment. Also in the box, you will have received an Internet adapter. For the teacher or teacher assistants this next device is also very handy. A Palm Pilot can be interfaced through wireless Bluetooth technology with the BrailleNote, in order to see visually on the Palm Pilot’s screen what the student has been typing in Braille. And now back to the BrailleNote. So what in the white box? They have carefully laminated and labeled everything that goes in here including instructions for the various parts. As well as how to charge it initially. There is a manual written in braille that includes the first chapter. So the student can get started if they are already a competent braille user. The print version of the quick command summary, which is very useful for those with vision, assisting them in very quick commands that they need to know. A full comprehensive user guide. This one has already been bookmarked for various spots that are very important to learn. This manual actually is very comprehensive and does a really good job of explaining various parts of the BrailleNote. Inside you'll end up with various software to interface with the unit. In the package are smaller packing boxes. This one will have the power cord which has already been pulled out, which we'll need for later. A larger cardboard box which has various cables, a data storage card. This is the SD card, serial connection cables, USB to USB mini B cables. In the event that you ever need it, it does have telephone cable if you wanted to connect the modem, which we'll discuss later, and headphones for privacy. What remains in the box is the BrailleNote and we’ll show that one to you. Description: End of video