Description: Introductory music begins to play. As title page appears displaying Braille Note Tutorial, Day Planner, Online Video Training Modules, Alberta Education. Narrator: To enter the day planner from the main menu you can navigate forward or backward to find it and then press enter or hit the letter P and it will take you straight there. Once you are in the key plan menu pressing enter will open up your planner. It automatically opens today’s date assuming that you wanted to enter information on today. You could navigate to another day of the week or another week or another month if you know ahead of time what you wanted to insert. You could at this point enter friends birthdays but in the context of school I think we’ll stick to putting in assignments. To advance to the next week you would press dot 5 and space. To navigate back you would do the opposite cord as we discussed in previous. That would be dot 2 and space. If you want to navigate by day you could press either dot 3 with space to move back a day or dot 6 and space to move ahead a day. Let’s pick this day to add something in for our planner. Now that we found the day that we want to use, press enter so now you can add notes to it. I’m going to add homework due. At this point if I want to add anything else to that day I would press enter and add it on the next line. In this case I’ve added homework was due and my reading was due. This could be for any class or I could have specified social studies. When I’m done typing on that day E plus spacebar will exit out of that and save my information for that day and again at this point I can navigate to another day and add more information. Let’s talk about how to navigate within the day planner. To move forward to a new month to add another item press dot 4 with space. This is moving ahead by month. To move back you would use dot 1 with space. Moving ahead by week is dot 2 and 5, to move ahead it would be dot 5 and space to move back it would be 2 and space. To move by day dot 3 with space to the previous day, dot 6 with space moves you ahead a day. If you wanted to change the year. For example it you knew it was going to happen next year, say you were entering a birthday you could hit dots 5 and 6 with space and that will jump you ahead by year. Again to move back you would do an opposite reaction hitting dots 2 and 3 with space. To recap when you found the day you want to enter information on such as when an assignment is due press enter, type your information. You can add additional information on the next line with enter and then to exit E plus space will bring you back up to the main menu of the planner. To completely exit you can either hit E plus space to completely get back to the main menu or just do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with space. Description: End of video.