Description: Introductory music begins to play. As title page appears displaying BrailleNote Tutorial, Connecting to the Internet, Online Video Training Modules, Alberta Education. The narrator and BrailleNote interact in a dialogue of sorts throughout this video. So one is a prompt from the BrailleNote and the other is the Narrators response to unit questions. Narrator: This section deals with connecting the BrailleNote to the internet. Your BrailleNote may have come with an internet adapter. This one is a compact flash adapter that plugs into the back of the BrailleNote and connects to the internet using a direct cable. An alternate way we’re using a wireless card such as this one. We’re going to teach you how to set up your BrailleNote to connect with a direct connection. At this point I would like to reference the Humanware website as you need to download a specific driver for this internet connection device. If you go to under the support section for the BrailleNote you’ll find under drivers a section for the Rugged 10/100 socket device. When you have the files downloaded you can transfer them directly to your device or put them on a USB drive or in the case that I’m going to show you the SD card. The SD card inserted at the back. From the main menu select U for utilities and A for applications, run program from which drive, press enter for flash disk. At this point I’m going to navigate to the SD card. I’ll hit spacebar, drive list. I’ll hit S for SD. SD card, I’ll hit enter. Directory name, press enter for slash computer Braille is required. If you save yours in a directory or folder at this point navigation to it. Mine is in route directory so I’ll press enter. Program name, press enter USB vast storage. At this point navigate to the file called install, press enter. It’s going to ask you to press enter. This program enables the installation of additional drivers. To start the installation press enter, to cancel press space with E. You could listen to that entire speech, however, next time just press enter. This unit is now set up, to install additional drivers, to continue press enter and it’s done. There’s only one more thing to install, after the install.exe file you want to find the one called rugged. Again press A for application, we’re going to find the SD card, spacebar and we’re going to find rugged. There we are. Command line computer Braille is required. Again just press enter and enter again. This installs drivers for the rugged internet card. To start the installation. Drivers installed. Please remember that the card has to be inserted while the unit is turned off. To continue press reset with all keys held down. At this point they want us to reset. That again is the button on the left hand side just above or behind the switch on/off. You can either use a pencil or if your finger makes it in there. It will chime as it restarts. You will remember that the BrailleNote instructed you to turn off the device before plugging in the adapter. Let’s turn it off now and plug the device in the compact flash slot at the back. At this point you can also plug in the cable from the wall to your adapter. Turn your device back on. Main menu, network card ready, Perfect. Then our card is ready. From the main menu, go to the options menu; hit C for connectivity, connectivity menu. The first option create a new LAN connection. We’re creating a LAN or local area network connection. Press enter. Press spacebar to go through your option menus. Connection configuration name. In this case it’s asking for a name. If you’re always in a certain location such as home or school you could type that in now. I’m going to press home and then enter. Home device to use, press enter for internal modem. The device typically uses a dial-up connection as its default. We want to switch to the card that we just installed. Press CH plus space, so that’s dot 1 and 6 with the spacebar. We’re not connecting from infrared so continue on the list. If we were connecting from wireless this would be the point to select that one. We’ll continue. The device we put in is an Ethernet connection so we’ll press enter. Obtain an IP address automatically? Currently yes. We will leave that setting as yes so it would automatically find its IP address. Use a proxy server for this connection? Currently no. Unless if you know otherwise stick with no for finding a proxy server. End of list. We are now done setting up our internet connection. Press E with space to exit. It should ask to save. Exit? Press Y. Yes, record added. Connectivity menu. Excellent. Return to the main menu. Main menu. Now we’re ready to surf the internet. Before we can connect to the internet at this point we need to reset the device. This allows whatever network connection you’re using to assign it an IP address. I’m pressing the reset button behind the on/off switch. Once again it will chime and restart. Now that we have restarted from the main menu we’ll go to the internet. Main menu. Hit I. Address, press enter for At this point you can enter the web address you wanted to visit. By default it always comes up with a help page from the Humanware website. I’m going to leave this address for now. Pressing enter. If there are multiple configurations as if you connected at home and school and other places you would select it from a list. At this point I’m going to select home. Please wait. It’s trying to connect to the internet. Excellent we’ve actually surfed the internet and are now on a section of the Humanware website. To navigate a website similar to being in a word document you can read the current line by hitting dot 1 and 4 with space. You can move ahead in your document by hitting dot 4 with space. You can move ahead by a word by hitting dot 5 and space and individual characters again by dot 6 and space. The left hand buttons would do the opposite and take you back. Because this is a website and it has links to other websites by hitting the spacebar it will jump you between the next links. This link will take you to the Humanware website, excellent. When you found a link that you want press enter and it will take you there. If you wanted to navigate to a completely different website at this point I’ll show you how to do that as well. Press O with enter as opposed to O with space which takes you to the options menu. O with enter brings up a prompt that allows you to enter a new website. Address, press enter for Excellent, I’ll put in my website www now for dot I’m putting the nemeth version of decimal which is dot 4 and 6, www. And now Google for example, Google. And another note make sure that you do not use any contractions when entering the name of a website. We have now made it to the Google website. Again spacebar will take you to the next link and to read the website, especially one with lots of information you use the same navigation keys I mentioned before. The same ones that were in almost every other application. Description: End of video.