Description: Introductory music begins to play. Title page appears, PAC Mate Basics, Creating a Recording, Online Video Training Modules, Alberta Education Narrator: Hi my name is Ryan. This module is called creating a voice recording. The first thing we池e going to do is we池e going to press F4 to open up the Start Menu on the PAC Mate. We池e going to type a letter P to open up the Programs menu. Now we池e going to type N to open up the notes application. So now to create a voice recording I知 going to type a letter V with the space bar. I知 now in voice recorder mode and I知 going to type an R to start recording. We heard an ascending tone to tell us that the recording ahs now started. I知 going to stop this recording now and listen to my recording. To stop the recording I press S and we hear a double beep. To exit out I知 going to press the F1 or the escape key. So from the escape key I知 going to press F4 to open up the start menu again, P for programs and N for notes. So it brings up a list of recordings and it said recording one and there was only one recording there so it said one of one. To play that recording I知 going to press enter. This concludes the module on creating a voice recording. Description: End page appears, 2009 Alberta Education, Thanks to Ryan Fleury from Aroga, Video Produced by Box Clever,